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End the Rig
A Game where you explore if Lobbyists are a problem. Could the 2008 mortgage crisis happen if the government worked for citizens instead of lobbyists and the money behind them?
End the Rig, is a game where your adventure will peak when you decide if there is a big problem. The last part of the adventure is when you fix government so it works only for the citizens, and the economy is made 100% run by your decisions of what is 100% ethical.
Starting the big Adventure
- Create an account Create an account
- Complete a Dream Run
- Build a Values Engine
- Visit the Gem Park to see your Gems being built and leveled up.
- Visit the Underground you select, like the MacroEconomics Underground. Start unlocking a Philosophy Pack by using your Gems.
- Earn more Embers by opening Chests in the Dream Run. That allows you to create Values Engines.
- Increase your level by completing Dream Runs and Philosophy Packs.
- Unlocking Philosophy Packs is hard until you increase your power by increasing your Values Flow Rate.
- Building Values Engines increases your Values Flow Rate.
- TIP: Collect as many Embers as you can, so you can build higher level Values Engines, which greatly increase your Values Flow Rate.
- TIP: Using higher level Gems to start a Dream Run will have the Chests filled with far more Embers.