Gem Levels
More you play End the Rig there is more possibility your gem level will increase. Your gem level will increase faster when the values flow rate is high. Values flow rate will be high if you have more values engine that too of higher levels. This is possible when you have more embers and for this you have to collect more chest.
There are different level of gems with each having their own unique value. Higher level of gems means this has more value and hence you have more power. Each gem levels have certain time for it to get produced and certain values flow rate that is needed. If your value flow rate is high, the time taken to produce the gems are low.
Just and example, if you value flow rate is 10/hr, it will take 23 hours to produce level 1 gem which is a green gem. But same level 1 gem can be produced in 1 hour if your value flow rate is 360/hr. If you want to build a higher level of gem, let say level 5 gem, you will need 3.2 weeks for it produce the gem when the value flow rate is 10/hr, but if your values flow rate is 360/hr, it will just take 16 hours to produce the level 5 gem.